I published a book I’ve been working on since I returned from my trip to Madagascar in 2011. The book not only has amazing photographs, but also tells of my deep connection to Madagascar. You can purchase the book online and have it shipped to your front door.
In the meantime here is the promo video.
Preview 20 pages of the full color 130 page book.
In school we studied the world and that’s when Madagascar found me. As I learned all the names of the countries in Africa I zoomed into the island off of Africa where I saw familiar faces and immediately felt a connection.
At a young age I knew how important it is to know your origin and the brief summary taught in class about being captured from Africa and brought to America as slaves wasn’t enough for me. I needed more information; I needed to know the beginning of my history.
Madagascar became my truth and as I grew older the connection I felt that day in class only grew stronger to the point where family and friends accepted my revelation and supported me when I told them in 2011 that I would finally make the trip.
This book is the story of my journey home told through photography and journal entries.
I hope you enjoy it and perhaps if u have gaps in your history this book will motivate you to dream of ways to fill them.
It’s your life – why not?